Do not do anything which can harm the server or disrupt the quality of others' gameplay.
We enforce FearRP, do not break this. You must fear death, and if you are being mugged, kidnapped, raided, etc. you must act as if you are scared of dieing and follow the person with the upper hands’ commands. Example: If you are being mugged at gunpoint, you cannot whip out a gun to kill them OR just let them kill you instead of giving them money; you must try to get them arrested, negotiate, or obey to their whims.
Do not intentionally annoy / harass anybody for any reason.
Do not abuse bugs and exploits. Report any bugs or abusers to admins.
Do not prop climb, surf, kill, block, bridge or spam.
Do not kill, build, or park cars in the spawn areas.
Do not mic spam. (Playing music, screaming, obnoxiously singing)
No racism\Bigotry\Homophobic remarks towards anybody for any reason.
Absolutely no Hacking, Scripting, DDoSing, Doxing, Scamming, or Exploiting of any sort. Will result in perm. ban depending on situation.
Do not abuse your job to kill people or create FailRP scenarios ever avoid role-play scenarios. (Ex:, disconnecting, switching jobs, suicide.)
Do not switch jobs just to buy/spawn yourself items. (Self Supplying)
Wars, revolutions and server wide RDM fests will not be tolerated.
Do not hide printers/drugs in props where they cannot be accessed
No Property Whoring. Do Not buy up multiple buildings unless part of a gang.
Stealing is allowed. If you drop a shipment on the ground in public or in unowned building, you are take a chance of it being stolen. You do not have to advert anything to steal something from public.
It must state that you can raid/mug in your job description to do so..
You Can Only Mug/Raid Once every 5 minutes. The cool down starts after the last one is finished.
Do NOT Mug/Raid the same person/place more than once every 15 minutes.
You must /Advert whenever you raid,mug.
You must /Advert when the raid is complete
You must /Advert Raid before breaking into a base.
No Solo Raiding. Unless your job description says you can solo raid, you must have a group of 2 to raid anything.
You cannot raid a base with a “building” sign. People shouldn't have anything worth losing in their base until their base is done.
Do not camp or hangout in a base that you are raiding, get in and get out. Call an admin if you think someone is taking too long.
Do not mug someone for more than $5,000
Do Not build or spawn Props while raiding or being raided.
All Fading Doors Must Have A Visible Keypad Near BOTH sides of the door.
All Keypads must be reachable ,crackable, Have at least a 5 second hold time, & Go to something (no fakes).
Must be able to enter and exit base without crouching or jumping. (i.e. No Death tunnels)
No Walls that Come Down to players Knees so you can shoots their feet but they can’t see you
No Using One way viewable shootable props or prop combinations.
No using No-Collided Props to run in and out of to shoot people. Do not abuse no-collided props
No Stacking Faded doors or Kill boxes.
No Building in public areas (Hobos,DJs can)
Do Not block off or build in the tunnels or streets
No Faded Stairs, Ramps, or Walkways
KOS signs should not be more than a Foot from your base (1x1 Plate for Reference)
No Invisible / blacked out Mazes
Do not use a combination of props,color effects, and or materials to create Unfair seeing Advantages in your base design. i.e. using 1 way viewable props or prop combination to pre-aim and shoot threw a matted fence or other shoot-through-able props.
You are NOT allowed to place Hits/Contracts on mayors unless they have set taxes for all jobs over 40%. (2 Jobs minimum before you can place hits/contracts)
You are NOT allowed to RAID PD BANK unless there is over $50,000 in the bank.
You are allowed to perform acts of anarchy if the taxes are 100%. You must warn the Mayor to lower the taxes first, if he does not oblige within 10 minutes, you can advert 1 min before performing an act of anarchy outside the PD or any PD property using explosives. You can only do this once every 15 minutes.
Do not build outside of PD and or in the Lobby of PD. This is public domain and even the Mayor is not allowed to build there. Text Screens are allowed.
NLR, RDM, FailRP, and MetaGaming Definitions New Life Rule ( NLR ) When you die, you begin a new life. You Forget everything from your past life.You cannot return to your previous location for a minimum of 5 minutes. If you were killed during a raid, you cannot return to that place until the raid is complete.
Fail Roleplaying ( Fail RP ) Fail Role Playing is doing something Roleplay wise that goes against your job description. An Example of FailRP would be a police officer killing the mayor, a gun dealer raiding, hbos owning doors. If it's not written or implied about whether you can or can’t do something, it's best to NOT do it and ask an admin for input. Things said in Out Of Character (OOC) chat cannot be used for RP purposes, ever.
MetaGaming- What we define as metagaming is using outside RP things for RP things.This can includes using things said in OOC for RP purpose. Example being using ooc for arrests warrants wanted etc. It also includes using things from a past life for RP.You cant remember things after you die for the most part. See NLR Above.
Random Deathmatch ( RDM ) Random Deathmatch is where someone kill without any valid Roleplaying reason. Always have a valid role-play reason for killing someone. i.e. Raiding, Mugging, Hits. Killing someone should be a last resort, try and find a creative RP solution first. Do NOT go around randomly punching people (this is known as punch whoring).
CarJacking, Raiding, And Stealing Definitions Car Stealing- You class Must be able to MUG in order to car jack. You can car jack every 5 minutes. If your car is stolen do NOT spawn another car. You must reacquire your stolen car before spawning another car. Do not carjack people at the car dealer. Fading Door Abuse ( FDA )- All ways use your keypads to open fading doors. Do not use your keyboard to open your fading doors. Do not use a Button to toggle faded props to shoot through them. (i.e. faded windows)
Proper Killing/Arresting ReasonsValid RP Reasons to Kill:
Valid RP reason: Mugging,Raiding,Hit,Arrest
They cross a KOS line
They are posing an immediate threat to you i.e. Threatening to kill you at gunpoint
They are attacking you or a member of your group
FailRP Reasons to Kill:
Randomly without a valid RP reason
For standing in the street near your base
For Loitering on the sidewalk near your base
Because they killed your friend **UNLESS you are near them/witness to when it happens and you are in the same party as them**
Because they are breaking NLR
They are following you around. Call the Cops and get a restraining order from a lawyer.
Arrest/Warranting Specific Rules:
You may arrest someone if:
You see them break a law that is listed on the current law board
You saw them Kill Someone
They are Raiding or Mugging Someone
If they are visibly possessing a contraband item
They are in an AOS area
If the subject is fleeing from an interrogation
Always try to arrest before you kill. It takes one swing to put them in jail.
FailRP Arresting Rules:
They are a certain job. i.e. Do not AOS Hobos because they are hobos.
They are Trash Talking
They are breaking a Law that's against server rules.
They are standing near a crime scene
They are standing in the PD lobby
They just killed you. That is Breaking NLR
For breaking a Server Rule, Contact an Admin instead
Contact an Admin
Use @ before typing a chat message to send it to admins.
If no admin is available, note the player's name and the current time, then create a user report on our website following the report requirements.
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